—> Download Objects Before and After the Wall
The publication Objects Before and After the Wall unfurls from our synonymous collaboration with Tlaxcala 3. Over the course of 2019, and culminating on November 9th at the 2nd International Encounter of Objects and Walls, TIER and Tlaxcala 3 hosted a trans-Atlantic exchange that was realized through a public program of screenings, workshops, readings and conversations. In Mexico City, special attention was paid to the development of border walls in Latin America and their ensuing conflicts and contradictions. In Berlin, certain attention was given to the role of the Berlin Wall as a historical site of ideological confrontation, as well as its continued presence as a contemporary media avatar. The publication Objects Before and After the Wall assembles contributions in a variety of formats—five selected by Tlaxcala 3 in Mexico City and five selected by The Institute for Endotic Research in Berlin—alongside responses by the organizers, Tlaxcala 3 (Ali Cotero and Clara Bolivar) and TIER (Benjamin Busch and Lorenzo Sandoval). The publication will be available as a free PDF download (link above), and printed copies are available at our space in Berlin.
Contributions by: Rodolfo Andaur, Clara Bolívar, Diana Buitrón, Benjamin Busch, Eli Cortiñas, Alí Cotero, Marisol García Walls, Francisco González Castro, Manuela Koelke, Daniela Medina Poch, Alberto Pacheco Benites, Lorenzo Sandoval, Hito Steyerl, Lorena Tabares, and Sung Tieu with text by Karen Fiss