Encounter: The Shape of a pocket: Waking Dream: At the edge of the otherwise with Jessica Zïada Korp

Date: Sunday, August 25th 

Time: 15:00pm – 17:00


As Walidah Imarisha reminds us, “We live in a quantum universe—the possibilities are endless. The way systems of power maintain themselves is to deny us that and to tell us there’s only one or two terrible options.”


Abolitionist practice calls us to dismantle the institutions and structures that enact violence and oppression. But that is not an end. The void that is left behind is also an open door into another time. The work of the present is to collectively imagine and begin to build that future.


Join us for an immersive guided abolitionist meditation, guided by an original soundscape, designed to disrupt the urgency and constant demands of pain and violence, especially for racialized communities. Together, we will enter a space for transformative dreaming. After this deep, reflective journey, we will ground ourselves in the present and explore what it means to bring our dream worlds to life. What does it take to practise our dreams into existence today?


QT*BPoC organisers and activists to the front.

We will meet at TIER, Donaustr. 84 at 15:00, and walk together to a green outdoor space about 15 minutes away. There is a public, wheelchair accessible bathroom in the vicinity. Further details will be shared upon registration.


The encounter is free & limited to 20 people, so sign up soon via this link (https://forms.gle/gEHXVBXcPpsFwe4r7)



I’m a mixed-race black indigenous mother & time traveller, organiser and vivid dreamer. My work centres abolitionism, transformative justice and decolonial aesthetics through the medium of sound. I consider sound to be the space where (colonial) language resigns and dreamspaces emerge. I see dreams as crucial to political and social organising, since it helps to imagine and practise a world beyond the cages and confines of the current carceral system.