Tea Oval Session Encounter: Unveiling the Silence – Urging International Advocacy for Artists in Sudan with Ahmed Isamaldin

Date: Wednesday, September 25th

Time: 19:00 – 21:00

Zoncy wondered why NGOs, INGOs, UN organizations, and many EU embassies hesitated to help Myanmar artists at risk during the 2021 Spring Revolution. After arriving in Berlin in August 2022, Zoncy encountered global activism and felt she found possible answers there. Exploring the challenges faced by artists in authoritarian regimes underscores the crucial role of international advocates. What innovative actions can these artists inspire? This is not just a question for individuals or organizations, but for all of us. It demands our collective attention and action, now more than ever. Understanding the emerging themes of internationalism versus political will in promoting artistic freedom is vital. How do these themes contrast with preserving national interests? The artist and cultural activist Ahmed Isamaldin from Sudan will join the 5th Tea Oval to discuss the above mentioned questions. Wisdom holders and those with experience are equally welcome to join the oval discussion with the speaker.


Ahmed Isamaldin is a multidisciplinary artist and researcher from Khartoum, Sudan. He holds a degree in physics from the University of Khartoum and has studied graphic design, photography in Cairo, and visual communication at Weißensee Kunsthochschule Berlin. His work centers on themes of immigration, psychology, revolutionary processes, decolonial design, and technology.

This program is supported by the Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion Department of Culture fellowship program Weltoffenes Berlin.

No RSVP required

Event held onsite: Donaustr. 84, 12043 Berlin