February 11. Insights. An encounter with Diana Troya, Ezekiel Morgan, Margot Potemans and Santiago

Tuesday, February 11, 19:00
An encounter with Diana Troya, Ezekiel Morgan, Margot Potemans and Santiago 

On this evening, we will screen a selection of films by students and recent graduates of the Visual and Media Anthropology program at Freie Universität Berlin, which deals with the representation of culture in and through media. How do (new) technologies shape our world and the way we talk about it? Where can conversation take us? How are we connected to other humans and different species? What does it mean to be an activist in this day and age? And how can ethnography help us understand ourselves and the history we are rooted in? The program, as the field of Visual Anthropology, is constantly changing shape, and the selected films aim to give an insight in this process through diving into a wide range of subjects like multi-species entanglement, feminism, activism and posthumanism.

Please note that this event is a free private screening which requires a RSVP to mail at cleowaechter dot com

Photos by Benjamin Busch