November 5. Editing Spaces, Part 5: Mattin

Tuesday, November 5, 19:00
Editing Spaces, Part 5


How could this score be performed?

An improvised music that takes sharing the widespread inner effects of malevolence in contemporary society as a starting point. But this sharing will not bring harmony for a couple of hours. No unity, or, if you want, at most unity in fragmentation.

However, through interruption of logical expectations, the social room will be edited.

In order to understand forms of the individual mental state of noise, one needs to get deep into the general lack of coherence and its appearances. And perform it.

No one knows what breakdown will bring.

Mattin is an artist from Bilbao – living in Berlin – working with noise and improvisation. His work seeks to address the social and economic structures of experimental sonic artistic production through live performance, recordings and writing. Using a conceptual approach, he aims to question the nature and parameters of improvisation, specifically the relationship between the idea of ”freedom” and constant innovation that it traditionally implies, and the established conventions of improvisation as a genre. Mattin considers improvisation not only as an interaction between performers and instruments, but as a situation involving all the elements that constitute a concert situation, including the audience and the social and architectural space. He tries to expose the stereotypical relation between active performer and passive audience, producing a sense of strangeness and alienation that disturbs this relationship. He has recently completed a PhD at the University of the Basque Country under the supervision of Ray Brassier and Josu Rekalde. Along with Anthony Iles they edited the book Noise & Capitalism in 2009. In 2012 CAC Brétigny and Tuamaturgia published Uconsitituted Praxis, a book collecting his writing plus interviews and reviews from performances that he has been part of. Both books are available online. Mattin took part in documenta14 in Athens and Kassel in 2017.

Editing Spaces
One of the meanings of the word publication is to make something public. If the relations between local and global are regarded as a text that can be read through contemporary art practices, a pertinent tactic would be to substitute the idea of exhibition with publication. This means to understand exhibitions as narrative machines, as expanded books that can also unfold a set of other possibilities such as cross-temporal approaches, choreography of bodies moving through the extensive idea of text and support structures.

The work of the artists/curators invited to Editing Space develops from translations from texts to installations, from transitions between the written and the performative.

With: Discoteca Flaming Star, Alicia Kopf, Josep Maynou, Mattin and Laura Vallés

Supported by the program PICE of Acción Cultural Española

Photos by Benjamin Busch